Think of a Happy Place
This project was my final for my sophomore year at SCAD Fibers class. I used wool roving, cotton yarn, cheesecloth, and sewing thread to create this. Techniques I used includes crochet, knitting, needle felting, and wet felting. When I close my eyes and think of a happy place, this is where my mind goes. I want this to be a representation of peace. The colors, shapes, and textures should all represent something that is symbolic of tranquility. Throughout the quarter I’ve most enjoyed learning about felting, crocheting, and knitting. When making art, I am drawn to landscapes (specifically mountain/hilly places) and warm color palettes. I find that crocheting materials such as thread and cheesecloth (as opposed to yarn) can really create textures that yarn and wool roving cannot. However, there are implied textures that wool can make that yarn would fail to do, such as the textures of tree bark and running water. Created in November 2020.
Wool color samples and thumbnails.